We made it to El Sauce around 5 p.m. and Kellan dropped us off at our host families. Adam is staying with Alida Arostegui, a sweet older woman who recently had hip surgery so her sister is staying with her to help out.
Meredith is staying with Sonia and Alberto. Kellan stayed with them as well and liked them so well he's actually moving in next door, so he can go over and chat with them more often.
I am living with Xiomara and her 3-year-old grandson, Marcelo, in a corner house with a central garden and large, empty rooms with tile floors.
She is very nice. I don't speak Spanish well, so I will need to carry my dictionary around for assistance. I can understand and be understood, but don't know all the vocabulary.
Here's a picture of Adam meeting Alida for the first time.
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